Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Using google docs for survey

Because I thought it was neat when I saw it in Title III workshop, I tried a quick survey the first day of class to poll students about their attitudes and experiences towards technology. You can use google docs to create a form, which gives question(s) plus boxes for answers. After saving, you can get an embed code to put the survey on a website. Then you can get a link to results to see live-time postings. I set up a quick blog because students hand't had a chance to register for MyCompLab. Here's a link to the survey and survey results are posted here.

Well, this is a little rough, but I did a short video tutorial on how to create these surveys: click here to see it.

I've been thinking a bit about how I might use this in the lab, as I say on the video to solicit open-ended, anonymous responses that might be useful in a full-class workshop session. Any other ideas what you might do?

There are some formatting issues. I played around a little with the look of that spreadsheet--not crazy about the narrow columns and I'd like to be able to get rid of those empty columns to the right.

1 comment:

  1. Great, Holly. I've never set up a survey using google docs before (usually use survey monkey or some such. I await details.
