Prewriting in comp lab

Some ideas for prewriting activities using computer:

Regular writing sites
·      100 words
·      Six sentences
·      40 x 365 (Make a list of people in your life; try to capture the essence of each in only 100 words)
·      Writing prompts from Writer’s Digest
·      Daily writing prompts from
Look over samples, read writer’s guidelines, and do a couple of each. (You might even want to submit or join!)

            Go to or some other photo-sharing site. Or check out Google’s Art Project, or the website of a museum you’d like to visit.. Pick a word and search through the photos for one that interests you. Try colors (blue, maroon), emotions, abstractions (independence, silence), types of food, family relationships, whatever. Write down a memory that the picture evokes, the imagined thoughts of a person in the picture, a string of images that the picture brings to your mind, …

Nonfiction sites
         Browse through the archives at Brevity or This I Believe. Look for a title that intrigues you and write your own post based on that title (or a variation of it). Make a list of memires that come to mind as you browse through these short pieces.

Graphic organizers
            Play around with one or more of the following:
·      gliffy
·      mindomo
Try mapping a difficult decision you have made, or the stages that you went through in some learning process.

            Try browsing through your iPod library (or other music collecitons). Write down the memories or images that come to mind. List the songs that have been meaningfulto you through the years.

Make a list of the significant objects in your life or the people who have taught you something. Make a list of the places that have been important to you throughout your life. Make a list of your endings and beginnings.

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